Preliminary Tree Assessment
Preliminary Assessment of trees is generally conducted at the beginning of a project. once site surveyance has been completed. The purpose of a preliminary assessment is to provide information on the trees withing and surrounding the project area.
These reports can provide you with the following information;
Genus & Species
Common Name
Height & Canopy Width
Health & Structure
Useful Life Expectancy (ULE)
Arboricultural Rating
Retention Value
Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) or Trunk Circumference at Breast Height
Diameter at Base (DAB) or Trunk Circumference at Base
Tree Protection Zone (TPZ)
Structural Root Zone (SRZ)
This report should also provide an accurate site map to scale that shows the tree location along labels indicating Tree identification number

Arboricultural Impact Assessment Report (AIA)
Arboricultural Impact Assessment reports are conducted to better determine how your proposed design will conflict with trees subjected to remain within your property or how they will impact trees located outside of your property. These levels of impacts are in accordance with the Australian Standards AS4970:2009 Protection of Trees on Development Sites and are described as Minor (less than 10%) or Major (greater than 10%). A Tree with a level of impact greater than 10% may not remain a viable tree and may require further investigation or design modifications to ensure it remains viable.
These reports can generally be undertaken when you already have a proposed design and provide you with the following information;
Genus & Species
Common Name
Height & Canopy Width
Health & Structure
Useful Life Expectancy (ULE)
Arboricultural Rating
Retention Value
Diameter at Breast Height (DBH)
Diameter at Base (DAB)
Tree Protection Zone (TPZ)
Structural Root Zone (SRZ)
Percentage of Impact % - Minor <10% - Major >10%
Tree Protection Management Plans (TPMP)
Tree Protection Management Plans are comprehensive reports that detail how trees are to be protected during construction.
These reports are undertaken to ensure adequate protection through all stages of construction such as Demolition, Site Preparation, Construction & Post Construction.
Tree Protection Management Plans are annotated to demonstrate the respective tree protection zones along with the necessary protection measures required through the construction process. These plans must be to scale and detail clear instructions of the Tree Management Plan.